The mid- term forum was provided by Reframing the Future to provide an opportunity to discuss and share experiences with other information and research projects. It was held at the Hilton in Melbourne.

It was an important opportunity not be missed as it provided projects to share and compare experiences and to reflect the development of new approaches and strategies for knowledge management. What was of interest was the wide variety of projects that are participating in 2005.
An overview of the projects include:
University of Ballarat which looked at Language, Literacy and Numeracy in the range of vocational training programs. A really interesting overview of incorporating across a wide range of areas.

RMIT's project also was about LL&N and is developing a staff development handbook on how to intergrate LNN within VET delivery. The presentation saw the group being able to see first hand what the handbook was all about.

Jennifer from Challenger TAFE provided a most interesting account of her work on innovation. The model that was presented was most impressive and would seem a great framework for capturing, supporting and sustaining innovation.
Cooloola Sunshine Institute of TAFE (how wonderful to be able to work in Sunshine!!)
A great overview of their successes on developing a sustainable "Market Responsiveness Model" Can't wait to see the final overview of this project as I think it will be extremely useful for all TAFE Colleges.
Goulburn Ovens Murray Regional Council of ACE provided a wonderful presentation including a mini digital story. Most impressive. This project is researching rural men;s participation in formal VET training and investigating practical strategies for engaging men.

Further to this project is Southern Western Port Regional Council of ACE Victoria's project which looks at learning needs of a range of groups including Kooris, CALD learners and men over 45. Rosie, is an experienced digital story teller I look forward to viewing this group's digital stories.
IAG LTD NSW provided an interesting view of the vision of ERTOF: Enterprise Registered Training Organisation Forum who's purpose is to share practices, advocate on behalf of industry, influence policy decisions impacting on industry and establish and maintain the value of VET within industry.

Robyn from Central Northern Adelaide Health Services to bring together S.A, stakeholders in health and VET. As Robyn said "bring them all to the table at once". The focus is to review and understand the new paradigms of workplace based learning and training responses to ongoing competency requirements in organisations.
It was great to hear from Gordon Institute of TAFE and about their project which is all about enpowerment and encouragement of staff to interact and apply models and research in relation to key aspects of the National training scheme and put this knowledge into practice. This project has had now forums that have attracted large numbers of participation and has produced some great newsletters.
TCFUA (mmm can't remember what it stands for my apologies) but a most interesting project about workers moving out of the Textile Industry when factories have closed. The project is about partnerships between the union, companies and TAFE in retraining retrenched workers. The project has managed to access funding and is currently working with at least 3 TAFE colleges.
Liz Renshaw from SWSI TAFE NSW is working on a project of employability skills for learners. This is looking at ways to apply research information to developing a model of working across Faculties at the local area. In other words to create a seamless transition for students.
My presentation was unique in that I misread (or perhaps only skimmed) the email about the forum and produced a power point. At this stage of the project we have increased the group to include Fairfield council and we are looking at ways to develop a model of workbased learning, training and assessment in Children's Services. Most of the research has been completed and now I am inspired by the other projects to now take on some more activities. Very inspired for our next meeting.
If I have misrepresented any of the projects please forgive me was certainly an important forum that should always be considered as lost of information was shared and great to see what is happening in the other projects.