What's happening this month?

This month PUPS is looking at the first objective of the project:
1. Identify and evaluate sources of VET research to provide insights about part time student's needs and expectations.
Members are asked to identify and evaluate VET research that is relevant to part time student's needs and expectations. This could include ideas such as examples of work based delivery, flexibility, time management and access to resources to mention a few examples to get you thinking.
On the right hand side of our BlOG are some suggestions to begin your research. A good start is to begin with the National Centre for Vocational Reseach. If you could upload interesting sites by replying to this posting it will be a great opportunity to share your research with others of the group.
The outcome of this is to identify your focus area for the project. This might include students working and studying part time, NESB students, gender focus or personal development of students. If you could include your interest for a focus area you might find a research buddy for the project.
Good Luck and Have Fun.
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