Our Second Meeting
We had our second meeting on Wednesday 10th August at Miller College. We welcomed our new members from Fairfield Council. This was Jess the Branch head Children's Services.

Two Directors from Child care centres in the area also came alon and are now apart of our PUPS team. (Mmm, that's right forgot to talk about whether they had puppys I will put it on the agenda for next time.)

Thankfully Bernadette our facilitator kept us on track and it was agreed by the team to meet the project outcomes the team will develop:
• an annotated bibliography,
• a model of work based delivery taking into account part time students’ needs
• a digital story and the blog
• strong partnerships
Bernadette suggested that the group should brainstorm key words for the project as follows to hel0p with the research:
• Skills Ecosystem – suggested reading
• Part time students
• Flexibility
• Work/Life balance
• Expectations – TAFE Learner – do they match
• Ability/expectations
• Barriers to achievement eg. ESL, RPL
• Support systems
• Individualisation
• Practicum
• Motivation
• Completion
• Incentives
• Work based learning CF Institution based
• Employer incentives – intrinsic and barriers
• Content currency and relative to work context
So lots of reading to do....
We also spent some time looking over the blog and making sure everyone was aware of how ot log on. Our next meeting will be held at Liverpool Catholic Club on Wednesday
7 September 2005 commencing at 6.30 pm.